Willys Adapter

willysadp There is a wealth of information available in the original WW2 Army Motors published by the Technical Service Division, Holabird Quartermaster Motor Base, Baltimore, MD You can’t properly lubricate the propeller—shaft universal—joints on the Willys 1/4 ton without a special, little, grease-gun adapter. This little adapter has been left off a great many jeeps — but the Willys people, willing as ever to come to the rescue, have arranged to ship a couple shovelfulls to the Fort Wayne depot for issue to the field. The adapter is needed on all Willys 1/4 tons between the registration numbers:

  • 2031575 to 2047574
  • 2047614 to 2050213
  • 2073590 to 2078697
  All other Willys jeeps will have the adapter included in their tool sets at the factory. If your Willys jeep carries any of the above numbers, order your special, grease—gun adapter from the QM Motor Supply Depot, Fort Wayne, Detroit, Mich. Order by Willys part No. A—6l5l, Grease—Gun Adapter — Alemite 6517. The adapters will be stocked at Fort Wayne in about two weeks. Wait until then before ordering. Incidentally, we hear that the same adapter on the Dodge 1/2 ton can be used on the Willys. It’s not the best practice, but in an emergency it will work. P.S. As you may have guessed, the Ford jeep will probably need one of these adapters. However, we haven’t heard from them yet — so you’ll just have to wait. From Army Motors, Vol 3, page 103. Editor’s Note: Click on the link above for the article concerning the Ford Adapter.