In the July ARMY MOTORS you were told that a little grease-gun, adapter had been left out of the tool sets of certain Willys and Ford 1/4 tons delivered to the field. Without this little grease-gum adapter you can’t properly lubricate the propeller-shaft universal joints of the jeeps. We told you that you could get this adapter for the Willys on requisition from Fort Wayne, ordering by Willys part No. A6151, Grease-Gun Adapter – Alemite 6517. We also promised we would let you know when the same adapter for the Ford 1/4-ton was ready. Well, now I’m letting you know. It’s ready. Order your “Grease-Gun,push-type adapter for Ford 1/4-ton, GPW Part No. l7126,” from Fort Wayne. I don’t have a picture of the adapter to show you, only the blueprint. If it’11 make you any happier, you can look at that. From Army Motors Vol 3, page 166. Editor’s Note: Click on the link above for the article concerning the Willys Adapter.