From left to right – above. Instructions for the installation of the Winterization Kit. Very few people know that WW2 jeeps were sometimes equipped with heaters! These photos are courtesy of Terry Peters, UK.
More of the wonderful pages received from Terry Peters. The view of the engine bay is particularly telling, notice the interesting way the heater was connected to the engine via the radiator.
A picture of an actual WW2 heater installed in Terry Peters GPW. A shot of the dash switch for the heater and a mysterious hole believed for the defrosters to plug into. A shot of Terry’s jeep – Ford GPW DOD 4-28-42.
Above are some shots supplied by Frank Berg, Norway of Winterization Kit parts as supplied to the Norwegian Forces.”This kit is NOS from the Norwegian Army. The heater is American, but the equipment is supplied by a Norwegian supplier,” says Frank Berg. Truly marvelous stuff.
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This page, along with the other pages from the winterization kit was sent to me by Frank Berg. It clearly shows how the heater water lines are to connected and shows that the majority of the connection is a metal tube.
You might be interested in a book that I have written that discusses this piece of equipment and much more. The book is entitled, Winter and the Willys MB/Ford GPW. Click the link for more information.