Terry Peters UK Jeep Collector

Jeep blood seems to run deep. Terry Peters, one of my good web friends (he has a jeep with just about all the toys–and he bought it that way!) This is a picture of his son and grandson. Obviously, his grandson suffers from Olive Drab Disease or ODD at a very early age. This is a non-fatal disease but it generally lasts a life-time with little hope of a cure. Or as Terry put it, “as you can see he’s being brought up correctly and is destined to join the hallowed halls of ‘Confirmed Jeep Nuts’.”

Another shot of grandson and his dad.

More shots of Terry’s grandson enjoying his jeep.

Another shot.
Terry and the Missus on Iron Age Barrow in Wales

Here is Terry and the Missus on Iron Age Barrow in Wales. Apparently it was quite a climb to get to this point. Terry lives in Wales. Seems the “UK” is made up of three countries (England, Scotland and Wales…maybe four if you count that bit of Ireland) and it irks the natives to be referred to as living in England. Guess it is like the British calling us “Yanks” which I’m sure our Southern Gentlemen, especially Texicans would not relish being called anything close to Yankee.

A view in Wales of sheep, hills and surf. I believe Terry told me this is not far from his home.
Terry’s Jeep In Wales

Terry’s jeep on a trip in Wales. According to Terry, “I dropped in luck (about the only time ever) when I bought the MB, it came with the Winch, T1 Compressor, Condenser, Decontaminator, Fire Ext., First Aid box, Radio antenna, Heater, Winterization top (minus doors), Spare wheel lock, Hull compass, Canvas w/shield cover, Headlamp covers, Mirror cover, full set original sprung type seat cushions, side curtains, tyre pump, jack, Search light and spool, Starting handle (crank), tool bag with numerous tools, several manuals, SNL’s, MBT Trailer and a heap of other bits… It also had a power take off (prop & bilge) from a GPA. It was like an Aladdin’s cave. The guy who had it in the 70’s collected most of the stuff at that time which believe it or not all came from U.S.A. When I made the deal I was not aware of a lot of the stuff as it was stored in the MBT. When I removed the canvas cover I thought Christmas had come. It had all been stored and forgotten about for almost 20 years.”

This was the first time I had seen a World War 2 jeep heater or Crew Compartment Heater installed in a jeep. Frank the Viking shared pictures of what the heater kit

looked like (as issued by the Norwegian military). Terry gave me pictures of the kit installed (with adjustments to allow installation of the T-1 Air Compressor as well). You can see more about the heater here.