The 3 years there were great for driving the jeep to work, etc.
In the picture at left you can see Jill adjusting the carb. It is a simple afair with the only adjustments being with a screwdriver. I have tried a number of Carters but they never seemed to do me right, no matter who rebuilt them. The Solex seemed to help the jeep to run much smoother (at first), especially when coupled with the electronic ignition. However, once the weather turned warm the Solex ran as poorly as the Carters did.
Turns out my problems were fuel pump related. So I purchased a manually adjustable fuel pressure regulator and set the pressure to that recommended for the jeep. Every since then the jeep has run smoothly. I will say that I currently have a Carter back on my jeep and have no plans to go back to the Solex.
Recently, I have seen an article on putting fuel injection on an L-134…naw, I can’t justify the expense but it was done. As luck would have it I got orders for Florida 6 months after installing a snow plow on my Chevy truck and after finally finding a hard top for the jeep. Unfortunately, I didn’t have storage for the top. (Just in case you were wondering, I was able to unload the plow on my neighbor as I didn’t figure I needed the plow in Florida.).
The trip to humidity (Florida) was another misadventure to be told some other time. Next