Truck, 1/4-Ton, 4×4 (Willys-Overland Model MB and Ford Model GPW)
What are the manuals and other documents you need to really discover what the jeep was all about? The technical manuals, technical bulletins, field manuals and other publications have been selected from my research into the jeep. These are jeep or jeep related and are likely to have been used in conjunction with the WW2 1/4-ton. The documents without dates, only mean that I haven’t found those dates…yet. This list will be updated as the information becomes available. Unfortunately, I don’t have the majority of the documents listed here. The search is on! Of course, this list is far from complete as it doesn’t include the correspondence, contracts or similar documents that make up the history of the jeep.- Army Regulations
- Electronic and Radio Equipment
- Engine Repair 1/4-Ton
- Equipment Repair and Preparation
- Field Manuals
- General Automotive and Mechanical Manuals
- Lubrication Orders
- Maintenance Manuals and Technical Bulletins
- Military Vehicle Catalogs, Inspections and Reclamation
- Modification Work Orders
- Motor Transport Technical Service Bumotorlletins
- Ordnance Field Service Bulletin
- Ordnance Supply Nomenclature Lists
- Power Train 1/4-Ton
- Pre-Standardized 1/4-Ton, 4×4, Manuals
- Supply Bulletins
- Technical Bulletins-Ordnance
- Training Circulars
- War Department Pamphlets